Content Marketing Changing the Game for E-commerce

Safiya Valiulla
3 min readNov 23, 2020

If you’re not putting out relevant content in relevant places, you don’t exist — Gary Vaynerchuk


The world is now moving online and so are businesses. Today, Content Marketing is the buzz word in the marketing field. In this digital age, the media consumption habits of consumers are changing and they are relying more on content-driven platforms to get their information.

Today content is everything for any business. All kinds of eCommerce firms, irrespective of the business’s size, leverage content marketing to increase their brand awareness and impact their overall presence online.

If you have a successful e-commerce site, conversions are the key to survival. Without conversions, your store won’t survive, no matter how many people are visiting. Hence content can help you increase your conversion rate by almost 6 times.

So What Is Content Marketing?


It is a form of marketing that involves communicating with potential customers without hard selling. Rather than pitching products or services, content marketing provides information that entertains or informs your audience. The idea behind this strategy is that if businesses consistently deliver valuable content without asking anything in return, readers will respond by becoming loyal customers.

How Do eCommerce Sites Benefit from Content Marketing?

It’s true — eCommerce and content marketing are a perfect match. And eCommerce companies are reaping the financial benefits of increased revenue generated by content marketing.

Helps Build Relationships


Content Marketing helps in developing relationship with your audience and credibility. If you provide consistently helpful information people will review you as an expert in the field and a trusted information source. Helpful content also opens the door to networking opportunities with other businesses and industry experts in your niche.

Content Marketing helps in Search engine optimization


Content marketing and SEO go hand-in-hand, you can’t effectively do one without focusing on the other. Search engine optimization (SEO) value is one of the most significant benefits of content marketing for any industry. Once you create original content, like blog posts and infographics, you can insert keywords that will help your content achieve top results in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Increased Revenue


Finally, a solid content marketing strategy will lead to increased leads and conversions for an e-commerce company. Putting out text and video descriptions for products helps in selling offerings and benefits, which increase the chances of people buying your products.

There is surely no doubt that investing in content marketing can provide serious ROI for any eCommerce site, and it can help convert potential leads into paying, loyal customers.

Key Takeaways:

Content marketing is all about stimulating interest in your products by providing value to your customers and hence constantly updating your content allows you to appear knowledgeable, and up-to-date amongst your customers.

In the words of Seth Godin: “Content Marketing is all the Marketing that’s left.”

You’ve heard it before- Content is king. There’s a reason people are screaming it from the rooftops, it’s true. Now is the time to start taking action!!

See you next week :)

